Managing Nightmares: Searching for SleepĀ 

​Nightmares are a terrifying symptom of PTSD. Sometimes the nightmares are direct representations of the abuse or trauma.  Sometimes the nightmares are a jumble of pieces and parts of the […]

What is a Flashback? Between Worlds

A flashback is difficult to define and understand. In simplest terms it is the re-experiencing of a traumatic event in the present. Flashbacks can be full, abreactions or partial. A […]

An Interview with Dr. Heiden: Healing Symptoms of Trauma

What is prolonged exposure therapy? Prolonged exposure therapy is a research based time-limited treatment that successfully decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in 85% of the people that under- go the treatment by more than 70%. […]

Do I have PTSD? Defining Symptoms

The criteria for PTSD will be changed in the DSM-V in 2014 and I could give you the current DSM-IV definition but if you have been reading anything at all […]

I Feel Crazy, Am I?

You may feel crazy but I assure you, you are NOT crazy. You are flooded with emotions, physical feelings that are a re-experiencing of the traumatic event(s). You have body […]