Do Your Intense Emotions Interfere with Effective Communication?
During a difficult conversation with someone have you ever become overwhelmed with emotions (flooding), or withdraw, and can no longer speak (stonewalling)? This is a familiar pattern for many couples […]
Managing Nightmares: Searching for SleepĀ
Nightmares are a terrifying symptom of PTSD. Sometimes the nightmares are direct representations of the abuse or trauma. Sometimes the nightmares are a jumble of pieces and parts of the […]
Managing Flashbacks: Help Yourself to Stay Grounded
These tips are provided to help you manage flashbacks and intrusive memories to make them more bearable. These exercises do not reduce or minimize the symptoms of trauma. To do […]
What is a Flashback? Between Worlds
A flashback is difficult to define and understand. In simplest terms it is the re-experiencing of a traumatic event in the present. Flashbacks can be full, abreactions or partial. A […]
An Interview with Dr. Heiden: Healing Symptoms of Trauma
What is prolonged exposure therapy? Prolonged exposure therapy is a research based time-limited treatment that successfully decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in 85% of the people that under- go the treatment by more than 70%. […]
Do I have PTSD? Defining Symptoms
The criteria for PTSD will be changed in the DSM-V in 2014 and I could give you the current DSM-IV definition but if you have been reading anything at all […]
I Feel Crazy, Am I?
You may feel crazy but I assure you, you are NOT crazy. You are flooded with emotions, physical feelings that are a re-experiencing of the traumatic event(s). You have body […]