Drop the Anchor!
The bad news is I’m the problem. The good news is if I’m the problem I’m also the solution! Steve Chandler Have you ever had problems with someone only to […]
Your Posture, Impacts You
Be fully in the moment, open yourself to the powerful energies dancing around you. Ernest Hemingway We know that our posture impacts how others see us, but did you know […]
The Value of Knowing Nothing
Communication solves all problems. Steve Chandler What is the value of knowing nothing about another? This might be the one truth that is truly useful in forming and maintaining relationships, […]
What if You are Perfect?
I mean perfect as you are…that you did not need to change anything about yourself. What if you knew that at the very core of yourself that you were not […]
Amongst the Wild Horses
I spent a day with the incredible, executive coach, and friend, Karen Davis. After we had played for several hours with my horses, and had a relaxing lunch, we made the […]
Horses & Lunch
The feminine energy of the mare pulls the herd. The masculine energy of the stallion pushes the herd. In concert, they keep the herd fed, watered and safe. They interact […]
Not Most Folks!
You can worry about most people all day but I can promise you they are not worried about you. Almost all growth that’s available to you exists when you aren’t most people and when […]
Numb to the Possibilities
I am in the midst of reading, Steve Chandler’s newest book, Death Wish about recovery from addiction. In it he mentions a conversation between publisher Maurice Bassett and blogger Adam […]
Who are You Selling Out?
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. Robert Fritz […]
Potential, Ability, or Grit?
Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness. John Ortberg I decided that potential means naught, unless there is grit to back it up. Ability means little, unless […]