Think Them So!
The surest way to make a man is, to think him so.

James Russell Lowell

marsha ferrick heiden phd bcc 263x300 - Think Them So!
Marsha Ferrick Heiden, PhD, BCC

As a professional coach I have conversations with many people from all walks of life. Time and again I have seen miraculous changes in people’s lives sometimes within days.

The man that ran a very successful business but lived in a rundown dump, and was afraid to purchase a house. Takes his foot off the brakes and puts the wheels in motion, and within few months finds and buys the perfect house.

The twenty-year old afraid to date signs up on after finding out she could make it fun. She finds that in fact she is date-able!

The chronically depressed client that has had years of treatment and traditional therapy, suddenly takes flight.

The guy who always wanted his own business but couldn’t quite get all the pieces in place, launches his dream venture.

Why did coaching help them change their lives? Why did coaching help them move into the reality of their dreams when other things had not?

I have pondered this question a great deal as I have marveled at the effectiveness of coaching in people’s lives. This is what I have decided:

They were ready.

They found support that believed in them without doubt or hesitation, me, their coach.

They felt empowered, and thus could persevere.


Who can you believe in and support today?

Who believes in you and can support your dream today?


Need support?

Email me.